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Thematic Projects

Thematic project 1: Biodiversity Applicability: Bioprospecting East Pará Regional Center - 2004 to 2009 period.

The “Biodiversity Applicability: Bioprospecting” thematic project: - Proc. Process: 4800002/2004-5, carried out by the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA) in collaboration with the Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará (MPEG) and the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) from 2004 to 2009, with the objective of increasing and deepening knowledge on Amazonian biodiversity and its pharmacological and economic potential, in order to subsidize product creation policies and improve the quality of life of the local population.

In terms of the PPBio – Eastern Amazon, the MPEG research team directs its activities towards compiling floristic and phytosociological inventories; the ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants and the use of handicrafts; morphological characterization with emphasis on secretory structures, and the chemical study of essential oils, in addition to supporting biological activity tests on extracts and essential oils.

It is expected that the scientific knowledge from the vegetation resources of the two Conservation Units within the state of Pará will be available for study of the data obtained through this research program: the Chocoaré Mato Grosso Extractive Reserve in the municipality of Santarém Novo, and the Maracanã Extractive Reserve in the municipality of Maracanã, both located in north-eastern Pará. The reserves consist of different and important ecosystems with rich levels of plant diversity.

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